Bottlenosed Dolphins at Miami's Seaquariun

Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins, since they are normally found iin shallow, warm coastal waters, are very adaptable to a controlled environment. Trainers, animal care specialists, and veterinarians at Miami Seaquarium maintain an active and healthy population. Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins are naturally energetic and acrobatic, with the ability to launch themselves up to 20 feet out of the water and swim at speeds up to 25 mph.

The Bottlenose Dolphin is quite possibly the most familiar of the 36 dolphin species. They ae a common inhabitant of shallow, coastal Atlantic Ocean water from Cape Cod, through the Caribbean and into coastal Gulf of Mexico. They ahve been given their name due to the charactericallyy long snout called a rostrum. Another identifiable characteristic is their dark gray color, with a white, sometimes pink underside.

Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins are considered an average sized Dolphin. They will normally grow between 8 to 10 feet and weigh between 300 and 650 lbs. Dolphins, unlike people, continue to grow throughout their lifetime. When an Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin is born, it weighs 25 to 40 lbs. A normal birth length is approximately three feet.

Miami Seaquarium trainers have taught these animals, through positive reinforcement, to showcase natural behavious on command. The Flipper Dolphin show treats guests to the entertaining antics of TV superstar Flipper, and his companion Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins.

Miami Seaquarium, Virgiinia Key, on the banks of Biscayne Bay
For more information call 305/361-5705

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