These are things to be Aware of when visiting the State of Florida, and also helpful suggestions

Snakes are usually found under rocks or logs, or places to get out of the heat. But, when the weather is cool they may be found basking in the sun on a walkway. The coral snake is considered by many to be the most dangerous in the State of Florida because its venom is powerful, even though its size is small. It is related to the cobra. When the coral snake bites it used a chewing motion, this releases their venom.

The Red Cross recommends washing the wound while keeping the affected area as still as possible. It is also important to keep the victim calm and to seek immediate medical care. Don't apply ice or heat or pressure to the wound.

(For a normal reaction to an insect bite or sting, you could try an old fashion remedy: a paste made from baking sold and vingar, pat it on the bite area and let it dry and fall off. Also, meat tenderizer made into a paste the same way works. These have been known to take the sting and redness completely away).

Allergies affect many people in Florida. There are reactions to different bites, and also to pollens, molds and other substances. The best prevention is to pay attention to the allergy index and avoid the outdoors on days with high pollen count, etc. Also plants that are contact allergens, such as poison ivy, oleander and lantana. Reactions are different to toxic plants, but generally, avoid the allergen or wear protective clothing.

It is important, no matter what the cause, to recognize the signs of an allergic reaction. A rash or swelling might be the first and mildest symptom. More severe reactions include tightness in the chest and throat and swelling of the tongue. Involvement of the respiratory system can be life threatening. If symptoms are present, seek immediate assistance.
(portions of this information were taken from The American Red Cross and Cooperative Extension Service literature)

If you're a visitor to our State, WELCOME. We hope our helpful TIPS will allow you to enjoy your visit more, by being aware of needed precautions.

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